27 fevereiro, 2023

Feedback 25-02-2023

·         Marc Urselli's SteppenDoom – “Agloolik Igaluk” (SteppenDoom)

·         Obelyskkh – “Afterlife” (The Ultimate Grace Of God)

·         Coffins – “The Hatred Storm” (Defilements)

·         Ulthar – “Coagulation of Forms” (Anthronomicon)

·         Fvnerals – “Annihilation” (Let The Earth Be Silent)

·         Imha Tarikat – “Beast Of Sovereignty” (Hearts Unchained - At War With A Passionless World)

·         Zwart – “Ravenkloof” (Heem)

·         Hellripper – “The Cursed Carrion Crown” (Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags)

·         Filii Nigrantium Infernalium – “Lactância Pentecostal” (Hóstia)

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