23 fevereiro, 2017

Feedback 18-02-2017

·        Elder – “Dead Roots Stirring” (Dead Roots Stirring)

·        Hark – “The Purge” (Machinations)

·        Aathma – “Hivare” (Avesta)

·        Scale The Summit – “Trapped In Ice” (V)

·        Dysrhythmia – “The Veil Of Control” (The Veil Of Control)

·        Immolation – “Destructive Currents” (Atonement)

·        Sinister – “Convulsion Of Christ” (Syncretism)

·        Benighted – “Der Doppelgaenger” (Necrobreed)

·        Brujeria – “Isla De La Fantasia” (Pocho Aztlan)

·        Downthroat – “Decomposed, Tortured and Devoured” (I've Got My Mother's Eyes [demo])

15 fevereiro, 2017

Feedback 11-02-2017

·        Russian Circles – “Lisboa” (Guidance)

·        Hark – “Fortune Favours The Insane” (Machinations)

·        Soen – “Sectarian” (Lykaia)

·        Black Cobra – “Dark Shine” (Imperium Simulacra)

·        Lesbian – “Aqualibrium” (Hallucinogenesis)

·        Krallice – “Hate Power” (Prelapsarian)

·        Anaal Nathrakh – “Depravity Favours The Bold” (The Whole Of The Law)

·        Sinister – “Syncretism” (Syncretism)

·        Aborted – “Retrogore” (Retrogore)

·        Rotten Sound – “Retaliation” (Abuse To Suffer)

·        Wormrot – “Blockhead Fuck Off” (Voices)

·        Brutal Brain Damage – “The Gunfather” (Bang Bang Theory)

08 fevereiro, 2017

Feedback 04-02-2017

·        Soen – “Lucidity” (Lykaia)

·        11 Paranoias – “Meditation on the Void” (Reliquary For A Dreamed Of World)

·        Aathma – “Aban” (Avesta)

·        Oathbreaker – “Needles in Your Skin” (Rheia)

·        Downfall Of Gaia – “Brood” (Atrophy)

·        Darkthrone – “Arctic Thunder” (Arctic Thunder)

·        Deströyer 666 – “Wildfire” (Wildfire)

·        Morte Incandescente – “Nas Esquinas da Alma” (…O Mundo Morreu!)