26 julho, 2014

Feedback 26-07-2014

·         Catacombe – “Ninho de Vespas” (Quidam)

·         Mastodon – “Once More 'Round The Sun” (Once More 'Round The Sun)

·         Trap Them – “Bad Nones” (Blissfucker)

·         Goatwhore – “Externalize This Hidden Savagery” (Constricting Rage Of The Merciless)

·         Tombs – “Echoes” (Savage Gold)

·         Wolvhammer – “A Light That Does Not Yield” (Clawing Into Black Sun)

·         Mayhem – “Posthuman” (Esoteric Warfare)

·         Belphegor – “Legions of Destruction” (Conjuring The Dead)

·         Vader – “Hexenkessel” (Tibi Et Igni)

·         Obituary – “Outside My Head” (Darkest Day)

·         Colosso – “Circles Of Defeat” (Foregone Semblances [7”])

21 julho, 2014

Feedback 19-07-2014

·         Triptykon – “Waiting” (Melana Chasmata)

·         The Atlas Moth – “City Of Light” (The Old Believer)

·         Corrosion Of Conformity – “The Hanged Man” (IX)

·         Eyehategod – “Parish Motel Sickness” (Eyehategod)

·         Crowbar – “The Foreboding” (Symmetry In Black)

·         Tombs – “Deathtripper” (Savage Gold)

·         Wolvhammer – “The Desanctification” (Clawing Into Black Sun)

·         Goatwhore – “Baring Teeth For Revolt” (Constricting Rage Of The Merciless)

·         Hexis – “Exterminati” (Abalam)

·         Illdisposed – “On A Clouded Morning” (With The Lost Souls On Our Side)

·         Aborted – “Chronicles of Detruncation” (The Necrotic Manifesto)

·         Anthropomorphic Soul – “Anthropomorphic Hate”  (Seed of Hate [EP])

09 julho, 2014

Feedback 05-07-2014

·         Godflesh  - “Ringer” (Decline and Fall EP)

·         Down – “Bacchanalia” (Down IV Part II EP)

·         Corrosion Of Conformity – “On Your Way” (IX)

·         The Atlas Moth – “Wynona” (The Old Believer)

·         Earth Crisis – “Final Breath” (Salvation Of Innocents)

·         Trap Them – “Organic Infernal” (Blissfucker)

·         Illdisposed – “Light In The Dark” (With The Lost Souls On Our Side)

·         Vader – “Light Reaper” (Tibi Et Igni)

·         Incantation – “Dominant Ethos” (Dirges Of Elysium)

·         Mayhem – “Aion Suntelia” (Esoteric Warfare)

·         Requiem Laus – “The Scarred Epiphany” (As Long As Darkness Bleeds)

03 julho, 2014

Feedback 28-06-2014

·         Helms Alee – “Dangling Modifiers” (Sleepwalking Sailors)

·         Animals As Leaders – “Lippincott” (The Joy Of Motion)

·         Eyehategod – “Robitussin and Rejection” (Eyehategod)

·         Crowbar – “Reflection Of Deceit” (Symmetry In Black)

·         Trap Them – “Sanitations” (Blissfucker)

·         All Pigs Must Die – “Faith Eater” (Nothing Violates This Nature)

·         Serpentine Path – “House Of Worship” (Emanations)

·         Autopsy – “Deep Crimson Dreaming” (Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves)

·         Misery Index – “The Weakener” (The Killing Gods)

·         Incantation – “Debauchery” (Dirges Of Elyzium)

·         Vader – “The Eye Of The Abyss” (Tibi Et Igni)

·         Sinister – “The End of All That Conquers” (The Post-Apocalyptic Servant)

·         Holocausto Canibal – “Afogada Em Vómito” (Gorefilia)